Glossary of Toggl Plan

These are the most common words we use when we talk about Toggl Plan. And this is what they mean. 

Workspace. As the name suggests, this is where all of your planning takes place. A workspace consists of a timeline, users and all the data (namely — your projects) that it holds. And this is what you're being charged for when you upgrade. One person can hold or belong to multiple workspaces.

User account. When you sign up, you create a user account. There can only be one user account per e-mail address. But one user account can hold or belong to many workspaces.

Timeline is the calendar view you see when you sign up. Toggl Plan allows you to use team and project timelines, the first of which are used to get an overview of who's doing what, and the second for keeping an eye on a specific project.

Project timelines are timelines that focus on project outline, progress and assignation. Using a project timeline you can make sure everything you need to get done for a project can be marked down in your calendar — from simplest tasks to the most important deadlines.

Team timelines are designed to make sure you know what your people are working on. If color coded correctly, you just need a second to get an idea what is getting the most attention from your team. You'll also know who's overwhelmed and who could take on some more assignments.

Segment is a stage of a project. E.g. when you are about to create a website to your client, your timeline segments might be content creation, design, development.

Color coding. Toggl Plan allows you to set up tasks and projects in different colour. This way your team timelines will provide a clear overview at a glance of which project your team members are working on. 

Shared timeline is a read-only timeline you can send out to your clients or any other interested parties without inviting them to a workspace. This is most commonly used to first share the outline of the project, and later to communicate the progress. For that, create a link to any project or team timeline and send it.