Color Coding

Colour coding can be a simple yet effective way to keep your timeline overviews informative.

Workspaces on Team and Business plans can customize the colors of their Tasks, Projects, Milestones and Tags. Solo users have random colors assigned to each that can't be changed. 

There are four places where color coding can be used in Toggl Plan:

  • •  Every new Task is assigned a default color. However, you can change each Task's color in the Task popup, right next to its title (see image above). This way you can use color coordination to make key tasks stand out.
  • •  Projects also have a designated color in Toggl Plan. This means every Task created in the Project will default to the Project's color. It is still possible to overwrite the task's color by changing it in the popup. To change a Project's color, click 'Edit' from the three-dot menu on the sidebar when hovering over said Project or from the right-top corner when in Project view.
  • •  Milestones can also be given a color. Click here to read more about Milestones.
  • •  Tags are assigned a random color but it can be edited when clicking on a tag in a Task popup.