Project Timeline

When you first sign up to Toggl Plan, you'll automatically have a first Project created for you.

About Projects

Project views let you zoom into a specific project (or client work or how ever you organize your to-dos) at a time. Organizing tasks into Projects also gives you access to a few Project-specific properties and customizations:

  • •  You can organize your tasks further with Tags and Segments
  • •  You can customize the default task statuses on Project board.

Project always have a color and all tasks in that plan automatically get the Project's color. This way your Team timelines remain beautifully color-coordinated and easy to understand.

Projects have two views - boards and timelines. These show the same information but present it in a different way. This article will focus on Project timelines. Read more about Project boards here.

Setting up a Project Timeline

  • •   To create a new Project, click on the ‘+’ sign under Projects and clients list, choose ‘Create a project’, then name your Project, choose a color of your liking (click on the coloured circle next to the project name) and click ‘Save’ to finish creating the Project. To ensure the project is easily accessible via the sidebar, click on the heart next to the project name to add it to favorites.
  • •  Click on the purple Show Segments button on the left side of the timeline to expand segments and create new ones. If you do not wish to use segments you can simply leave them hidden and ignore them.
  • •  To create a task, simply click (or click and drag for a multi-day task) on the highlighted area on the timeline. Once a task has been created, you can drag and drop it around the timeline to re-schedule or change segments.
  • •  You can also create milestones on your timeline. Milestones appear as a colorful vertical line throughout the whole timeline and they're great for marking important deadlines. 
  • •  To assign tasks without opening a task card, hover over the task. A circle will appear on the right side of the task bar and by clicking on it you'll be able to choose an assignee for the task.

Navigating Project Timelines

You'll find all Projects you've created on the sidebar under Projects section. The Project that you currently have open is highlighted.

At the top of the timeline, you'll also see the name of the Project you're currently looking at. Move between the timeline and board view by clicking on 'Timeline view' at the top left-hand corner of the view.

Project Timeline timeline has

  • •  dates on the horizontal axis
  • •  segments on the vertical axis.

The weekends are usually highlighted in a darker color on the timeline, but you can also opt to not show them at all from your Profile settings.

To move around on the timeline

  • •  Hold Shift + scroll to scroll the timeline horizontally
  • •  Click on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom-right corner to change zoom levels. You can choose between a weekly, monthly, quarterly or an annual view.
  • •  Click on the calendar icon at the bottom-right corner to quickly navigate to any other year or month. The Today button next to it brings you back to the current date.


There are other actions you can take on timeline views from sharing them via link to exporting your data. All the main actions are in the right-top corner of the timeline view.

The 3-dot menu keeps actions like editing the Project, marking it as a favorite (subscription feature - this pins it to the top of your sidebar), getting a shareable link of your timeline, following the Project (getting notified of changes), managing users in your workspace, duplicating, archiving or deleting the Project, importing and exporting tasks. 

Know Your Tasks at a Glance

There's quite a bit you can tell about your tasks by just looking at the Project timeline. 

  • •  When is the task due (horizontal axis) and what Segment it belong to (vertiacal axis).
  • •  Who is responsible for completing the task. Assigned tasks show the profile pictures of the assignee(s) on the right side of the task bar.
  • •  Is the task completed? Done tasks are faded out on the timeline (you can change this is your profile settings). You'll know the task status (blocked, in progress etc.) if it's not yet Done by the emoji in front of task title.
  • •  Is there a checklist attached? Checklists generate a grey progress bar at the bottom of the task bar.
  • •  Are there any notes in the task? Notes generate a small grey triangle at the top-right corner of the task.

When you hover over your tasks, you get a summary of key details as well.