Project View

The Project view consists of three intertwined views:

  • Projects & clients list where you can see all of your projects and clients.
  • Project timeline where you can focus on how your projects are planned out in time.
  • Project board where you can focus on project statuses.

Projects are created to outline any type of project from start to finish and used to keep an eye on the tiniest details. It is especially useful for cross-functional collaboration because the visual overview of all types of tasks gives you a clear reflection of the estimated amount of work to be done — whereas a Timeline helps you better understand the process and important dates and possible bottlenecks, while Boards helps you work in sprints and focus on Task statuses.

To create a project:

  1. Click on "+New Project" on top right of the Projects & clients list
  2. Choose if you want to create a project or a client
  3. Choose a colour — this is really important once you start assigning tasks to people. A team timeline that's composed of all tasks you have assigned to different people can be easily color-coded by adding a designated colour for different projects.