My Work

My Work offers a full overview of your personal plans on any given day. It’s divided into two separate tabs: Checklist and Timeline.


The checklist gives you a full overview of all the tasks assigned to you, whether or not they are scheduled. They are automatically listed in the order of due date, but you can change the order and sort them by project name, status, client name or assignees to ensure you have the best overview possible — the way you like it.

You can also edit the content of the task by clicking on the task name and marking the task as done by changing the status. If the task is assigned to multiple people, the status change affects this task for everyone.

You can also start your time tracker from the task list if you enable integration with Toggl Track.


Timeline gives you an overview of all scheduled tasks assigned to you and answers key questions: when they are due, what’s the estimated daily effort, and how many days have they been estimated to take?