Time off

Knowing when your team is available is crucial for scheduling and delivering projects on time. Time off is a convenient way to communicate the team’s time away from work. Use Time off to mark any full days off - be they annual leave, public holidays, sick leave or something else.

This feature provides a clear overview of who’s available and who’s not on Time off view and Team timelines. You can also see a conflict warning when work is scheduled for someone who is unavailable.

Time off is a Business plan feature.

How to add and edit Time off

You can add time off from Team timeline and My Work view.

  1. Start by creating a Task as you normally would
  2. Select ‘Schedule time off’ in the right-hand panel.

Alternatively, you can add time off from Time off view. Just like when creating tasks, click and drag on timeline to start time off creation.

In the Time off card, you can change the name of the card, adjust the dates, as well as the assignee, and the type of time off. The type of time off can be Annual leave, Public holiday and Other. You can also leave a description on the card.

In Time off view, you can also drag the edges of Time off to adjust start and end dates.

Pre-populated public holidays

Country-specific public holidays can be set through each user’s settings via the Users tab. With Time off, they will appear visually uniform with other types of time off, keeping your timelines simple and beautiful.

You can easily edit the date and other details inside the Time off card. This makes adjustments such as moving Public holidays around or extending a local holiday to other users easy and convenient. 

Scheduling conflict

Scheduling conflicts are shown whenever a task and time off overlap. Conflict warnings are always visible on the task and time off cards. A warning popup will appear on the timeline if a conflict happens as a result of drag-and-drop or adding an assignee on timeline.

Still have questions about how Time off works? Contact us at support@toggl.plan.com.