Getting Started With Toggl Plan

Toggl Plan is a simple planning tool that provides you the clearest visual overview of what needs to be done and when. 

The best way to get started with Toggl Plan is to see it in action. Start by scheduling your tasks and projects. Then invite you team to share the plans and assignments with them.

Want to know more how Toggl Plan works? There are 3 foundational terms to get acquainted with: Tasks, Teams and Projects.


Adding tasks is the first step to planning your activities in Toggl Plan. There are three ways you can add tasks on your timeline.

  • •  Click on the highlighted timeline area or click + drag if you want to add a multi-day task. 
  • •  Click on the '+Add Task' button at the top-right corner of the screen.
  • •  Use the shortcut 'N' to create a new task.

The most important task properties that determine where you see the tasks are Project (for visibility on Project views), Assignee (for visibility on Team view) and From - To (for visibility on Plan and Team timelines). Status enables you to follow-up on and visualize progress in all views - just try marking a task 'Done'! 


Simpler changes to tasks can be done without having to open the task.

  • Update statuses from the right-click menu or by dragging & dropping on project boards.
  • Change task duration by dragging its edge on the timeline.
  • Reschedule tasks by dragging & dropping them on the timeline. You can also do it in bulk by first selecting multiple tasks - hold Cmd (Ctrl for PC) and click on tasks or hold Shift and click+drag the cursor over the several tasks.
  • Duplicate a task by holding Cmd (Ctrl for PC) and dragging the task on the timeline.


Teams can be used for a central overview of what everyone (or just you yourself) is working on or to focus on specific departments and what they're up to. Using different colors for various Projects and tasks makes the overview both visually more pleasing and more informative.

To add users to a Team, click on the placeholder at the bottom of the vertical timeline axis. You can start off by just adding a name or invite actual users by also adding an email address where an invitation to join the workspace will be sent. 

Navigation and Shortcuts

  • • Go to your profile settings and tick 'Pin Me On Top' to always see yourself first in every Team.
  • • There are 4 zoom levels you can alter between - weekly (keyboard shortcut W), monthly (M), quarterly (Q) and annual (A) view.
  • • To scroll the timeline horizontally, use the scrollbar at the bottom, shift + scroll on your mouse or horizontal 2-finger scroll on Mac touchpads.
  • • Use the keyboard shortcut T to jump to today if you've scrolled too far to the side or I to find your timeline row.


Projects can be used to look at tasks from a specific project or a client separately. When creating a new project, you can choose a color that will be auto-applied to all tasks in that project.
There are two available views for projects:
  • Project timeline is often used for scheduling a project from start to end, making sure tasks are planned in a logical order. Tasks need to have dates to appear on the timeline.
  • Project board organizes tasks on a Kanban board format and provides a clean overview of task statuses.
Make sure you don't forget to add assignees to tasks created on Project views if you want to also see them on Team timeline.

You can further customize your Projects by using segments (visible on Project timeline vertical axis) and tags (provides filtering options in Project views) in task popups. Segments and tags can be used for breaking down a larger project to smaller chunks (Project: rebranding, Segments/Tags: new concept, public web, launch campaign) or to distinguish tasks per department (Project: rebranding, Segments/Tags: development, product, marketing).