Adding and Managing Users

Adding people you work with to Toggl Plan is an important part of getting the best overview of your workload. With your whole team on one Team timeline, you'll easily understand what the upcoming days, weeks and months look like for everyone.

In this guide we cover:

Key Terminology

  • •  User - refers to user allotment, whom you can assign tasks to. User refers to all workspace members and guests, including those who have not been invited to the workspace. 

    Toggl Plan's paid subscription plans have per user pricing. This includes all users visible on your Users tab.
  • •  User role - determine which parts of your workspace a user is able to see and manipulate. Every user has a role in a workspace. The possible user roles are:

    Admin - has access to all Teams and Projects, as well as billing information and user management.
    One Admin, usually the person who created the Toggl Plan workspace, is a designated workspace Owner. Every workspace can only have one Owner at a time and only they can pass on this particular user role to another person, should the need arise. The Owner has full access to the whole workspace and is the only person who can delete the workspace.

    Member - has access to all Teams and Projects in the workspace. By default, a Member can edit all Tasks, Teams and Projects.

    However, you can limit the Member to only being able to edit tasks assigned to them. Members with limited editing rights can only change the status of tasks and tick off items on the checklist of tasks assigned to them. They can also comment on tasks assigned to them.

     - has access only to the Teams and Projects listed on their user profile. By default, a Guest can edit all Tasks, Teams and Projects they have access to. However, you can limit the Guest to only being able to edit tasks assigned to them.
  • •  Workspace Members - Admins (incl. Owner) and Members - these are users who can see all Tasks, Projects and Teams in the workspace by default.
  • •  Workspace Guests (Business feature) - Guests - these are users who only see Tasks, Projects and Teams they've been given access to.
  • •  Deactivating a user - handy if you think that the user (for example if they're a freelancer) might rejoin your team. It will remove the users from Team timelines and from your pricing plan. But in order to add them back, you just need to reactivate. All their tasks will become visible again after you reactivate.
  • •  Deleting a user - deletes the user and all data related to them (including Tasks assigned to them) from your workspace permanently.

Adding Users

  1. Navigate to Users tab
  2. Click 'Add a new user'
  3. Fill out the user name, email and choose their role.
    • Note that adding only a name or choosing not to send out an invite will create a ghost user.
    • Adding an email address and keeping 'Send an email invite' checkbox ticked will send out an invitation link, asking the user to create a Toggl Plan account and join your workspace.
  4. Add the user to relevant Team timelines (for Admins and Members) or give access to relevant Projects and Teams (for Guests).

You can always start off by creating a user without an email address, and send an invitation later.

Accepting Invitations

The way the invitation can be accepted depends on whether or not the invitee has a Toggl Plan account.

Invited user doesn't have a Toggl Plan account

Click on the invitation link within the invitation email. Doing so will open Toggl Plan and ask you to create a password and accept our TOS: 

Clicking on the invitation link takes you to a page where you can create a password:

Once the password has been set, you will be directed to the workspace.

Invited user already has a Toggl Plan account

Invitees who already have a Toggl Plan account must accept the invitation in-app. The invitation will be visible at login, but can also found under the Updates tab and on the Workspaces page

Managing Users

To manage users and their information, go to Users tab and click on the user you wish to edit.

Here you can change everything from public holidays to working hours and user roles. Public holidays are user-specific and will be visible on that person's swim-lane on Team timeline. 

The privacy regarding a person's name and e-mail address is left for the users themselves to choose and manage.

Deleting and deactivating users can be done from the small icons at the top of the page.


  • What if I invited a user but they did not receive the invitation?
    First, please check the Junk Mail folder. If it’s not there, go to User Settings and try re-sending the invitation. If this does not work, please reach out to